Friday, February 20, 2009

21 Memories of Our House

I can't believe that this month, 21 years ago, we moved into our house. I figured I could think of 21 memories of growing up there. Here it goes (in no particular order):
1. Digging up rocks on the farm for the retaining wall.
2. Jennifer not wanting to go to Flaming Gorge river rafting, and dad hauling her and some clothing to the car.
3. Breaking into the house when we got back from California late the night before I started eighth grade.
4. Making mud pies and other concoctions in the lower basement.
5. Falling down the stairs while riding piggy-back on dad for early morning scripture study.
6. Having to put grass clippings on the budding front lawn in freezing early morning.
7. Watching for the bus from the kitchen window.
8. Riding our bikes around the block: to 90th, up to Redwood (usually stopping a Becca's grandma's house) down to 106th, back to 13th and home. This included me, Alicia, Emily, Becca, Jenni, and JaNae.
9. Climbing onto and off of the deck like monkeys.
10. Riding our bikes up and down and up and down the street.
11. Jory and Jeff getting into a fight in the front driveway.
12. "Collecting" knobs from the knob shop.
13. Alicia tying me up in mom and dad's room and falling and hitting my head on the wall.
14. Throwing stuff at Edward's house from Bangerter's driveway.
15. Dad cutting the radio power cord with a circular saw while building the house.
16. Jory transferring and sharing bedrooms on a regular basis until Jennifer moved out and he got his own room.
17. Stepping on a mouse in the basement; Alicia and Dave catching a snake in their hobo spider trap.
18. Mormon tea bush. Need I say more?
19. Hitting a bike (or something) with my accord because I didn't know it was in first gear.
20. Building and staining the fence. Scraping and repainting the white fence in front.
21. Our dog, buddy, having been hit by a car - however I don't really remember having him before that event.

10 Things I Remember About the Pink House

1. I remember jumping out of the kitchen window onto the trampoline.
2. I remember being scared to death of the German Shepherd on the corner.
3. I remember the minivan almost taking out the LeGrande's new fence thanks to Brandon.
4. I remember stepping on the fish that commit suicide on the stairs.
5. I remember jennifer having a Michael jackson poster.
6. I remember performing "Rags to Riches" in the front yard.
7. I remember having a patch of garden, but not necessarily plants in the garden. (It doesn't mean they weren't there though!)
8. I remember walking to the gas station for candy - frequently.
9. I remember tea pot wallpaper in the kitchen.
10. I remember playing in the long jump sand at West Jordan High.

Five Things I Remember About the Yellow House

1. I remember a white couch that was great for making forts in.

2. I remember the wood-burning stove (for obvious reasons: see above picture)

3. I remember patchwork carpet in the family room and peach walls in the living room.

4. I remember walking to grandma's along the canal road.

5. I remember racing back and forth down the hall. (Do I really remember that or do I just have the scar to prove it happened?)
Okay, so there's six:
6. I remember making mud pies at the doctor's offices next door.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Give Kids a Smile Day

Last Friday, I had the opportunity to participate in Give Kids a Smile Day. I am really lucky to work with a group of people that are generous with time and supplies. At the office that I work at, we provided x-rays, child prophies, fluoride, sealants, fillings and more to children in the community the are in need of dental care. I'll admit, I was a little stressed about so many kids at the same place and same time, but the day went really well and I felt great being able to provide such a great service to these kids. It was a great day!