Sunday, September 23, 2007

bienvenidos a la blog!

Hola! Welcome to the blog of Breann. I have no idea what I'm doing, but it seems that everyone else is doing it so I might as well give it a try, right?
Not much is going on in good old Idaho Falls. Jed and I are trying to work on the house - improvements all the time. We're hoping to finish off the family room (theater room) in the basement this Fall/Winter. Do we have our priorities straight or what?
Jed and I are currently taking a Spanish class (hence the title of this blog.) We both thought that we could really benefit at work by being able to better communicate in this way. It's a lot of fun so far. In two classes, we feel like we've already learned more than we did in middle (or high) school.
We've also discovered a great past t.v. series that we really missed out on in the past: Freaks and Geeks. I would definitely recommend it to anyone!

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