Saturday, August 22, 2009

Reaping the Rewards

Look at all the beans that my little garden has produced! Wow! I went out and picked them this morning and was totally surprised by the bounty. They're HUGE too! I also have a LOT of tomatoes on my tomato plants. I'm not sure, but the neighbor has a FEW, but they're really big. I have a LOT, but not so big at this point. Will mine be okay? I hope so! I love tomatoes! I had thought that all but two of my cucumbers had died, but luckily I planted a few seed elsewhere. Those seem to be doing okay. Also, I think I'll be able to pluck some zucchini from the (vine?) soon. They're getting big. I never knew that I could have so much satisfaction from gardening.

This morning, I went ahead and pulled out most of the Morning Glory that I'd planted. Let's face it; it was strangling everything! The Nasturtiums also seemed to be doing the same thing, plus, they were much larger than I'd anticipated and you couldn't see anything else. (I filled up a huge black garbage bag with both!) I think things look a lot better in the front flower beds. (However, I do think that that Morning Glory just might end up being the bain of my existence!)

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