Thursday, September 18, 2008

With one accord

If there is one car that I would definitely love to have. it's a new accord. Can you get anything better? My old '88 accord lasted me throughout many a troubled times and lasted FOREVER! In the time that Jed and I had old snowflake, we replaced an axle and the belts - that's it! No alternators, no (whatever else you may need to replace in the life of a car). We maintained it and it was great up until we sold it. Even though you needed to keep your foot on the gas (and clutch) as you braked, and it make a wonderful screeching sound, it was a great car. If the new accords are anywhere remotely as reliable as that thing was, I'd take one in a heartbeat. I just have to be able to afford it first.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I am with you, if only I had the money.