Sunday, October 12, 2008

Snowy Sunday

We woke up this morning to snow - a lot of it! It's October for crying out loud. (The picture shown is last night's snowstrom - before all the "sticking" of the snow.) I also got a new calling this morning. Let me just mention that on my way to the church to get this calling, I got pulled over. Yes, I was apparently going 52 in a 40 mph zone. I did NOT get a ticket though (thank the heavens!) I'll be team teaching with another sister in the ward. Sunday School; 14-17 year olds. Jed made me go today (I was planning on one last Sunday of leisurely listening and not really having to contribute to a lesson). Low and behold, there wasn't a teacher there, so I randomly had to teach! I didn't know where to start, what they'd been learning, who they even were! Let's just say I'm not so good on me feet like that! I'm not even good WITH preparation time!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Whoa! That would be super hard. This is a class of 14-17 year olds? How big is the class or do they just let them go into any class they want to? Good luck & that was a blessing to not get the ticktet.